Multi-Terrain Jordanian Camo is a modern camouflage pattern developed for the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) to provide versatile concealment across Jordan’s diverse landscapes, including deserts, urban areas, and mountainous regions. The pattern is an evolution of previous Jordanian military camouflage designs, incorporating a mix of tans, browns, greens, and grays to adapt to both arid and temperate environments. This pattern enhances the operational effectiveness of Jordan’s military and special forces units, such as the King Abdullah II Special Forces Group (KASOTC). Jordan, being a key ally in the Middle East, has equipped its military and security forces with advanced camouflage to match NATO standards and regional security needs. The version of Multi-Terrain Jordanian Camo featured on CAMO HQ is inspired by this military adaptation, preserving its functional design while refining it for collectors, tactical enthusiasts, and commercial applications.